Hct Platform

HCT Platform
- Completed and integrated Big Data solution.
- Flexible and ready to grow as you grow.
- Fast to implement and configure.
- Technology that allows to combine any type of data.
- Developed from years of experience in the field.
- Multi industry ready.
- Modular and affordable.
- Ingest any type of data – relational, Social Media, Internet content, blogs, IoT, Documents, XML, and more.
- Unlimited scalability –
- Easy and powerful ETL – 15 times faster that developing on native language.
- Full feature BI and reporting – Do a complete analysis of your data fast.
- Connect to Data Science tools like Weka, R, Sas – Use our predictive models or build your own. Text mining.
- Flexible portals – End user portal for easy operation control and dashboard and report publishing.
- Powerful social data science end user tools – Our suite of tools are easy to configure and use at all user level.