A company from the agricultural sector came to us with the need to identify the products of its customers within common warehouses. The requirement was to have control of the ownership of the products sent by each of its customers during the loading, storage and unloading cycles.
The company old system was manual and imprecise, making it impossible to answer the main questions of its customers about the location and the quantity of their stored products. Our customer’s question was the following: Is it possible to strengthen traceability to the internal processes of the plant?
We began by investigating over the data sources, in which we detected the existence of an inventory of movements generated by the customers. The availability of the data allowed us to understand the situation inside the plant.
The process that previously required a large amount of human labor, is now carried out by an automated system fueled with information in real time. In a short period of time, the client was able to obtain:
- Reporting on relevant indicators for decision making
- Real-time integration with all management indicators
- Independence of management systems
- Strengthen the decision-making process with analytical and predictive models
The consolidation of data sources, as well as their exploitation and the subsequent investigation of patterns, have made this tool a key piece in the plant’s production analysis.
If you have a similar need or business question to answer, Aberfura can help.
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